Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Change in eating and workout

In the past year I have managed to gain back the 10 lbs that I lost. I was still working out with Jazzercise, but due to a new work schedule I only could get through 30 minutes of class before I needed to leave. That's when I saw the weight come back and knew I needed to do something different.

Enter my cousin, Nettie. She has been rocking her Beachbody programs and looks awesome! I've participated in a few of her groups and looked at programs but it was never the right time. Until this month when my weight got back into the 260's. I put in my two weeks notice with Jazzercise (I was a class manager with them) and bought my first program 21 Day Fix challenge pack.

Monday 8/17 started my new journey to health for myself and my start as a Beachbody coach. I'm sore as all get out from using muscles that I hadn't been working properly. Struggling with the food program and eating ALL the food I need to, and it's a lot! But I have a wonderful support group with me to answer my questions and encourage me on. And that's what I need. I may not be working out with everyone but it feels like it in our group.

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