Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm moving.......

Well I just got the email from AOL.com saying that they are closing down their blog feature perminately. So I decided to jump the gun and move to blogger where I have another blog already. My new blog address is http://slimmingdown-myjourney.blogspot.com/

I am going to try to figure out how to transport all my old posts from here to there is there is a way. Oh the frustration! Well bedtime for me now. Higs~Jen

PS - I posted my weigh-in for today on the new blog to try to get into the swing of things. :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Plateau.....I think.....

Last week weigh in - 248.8 lbs. approx. I say approx. because I weighed and forgot what it was but I know it was't under 247 or over 250. LOL I am off the Herbalife wagon. As much as I love their stuff and as much as I know it works and is cheap. To actually plunk down at least $40 for the shake mix alone then to add more for supplements and such, when the shake mix will last me 2 weeks doing 2 shakes a week........It's just not possible right now. So what am I doing instead? Well by dumb luck the other day I stumbled onto the Smart Ones Weight Watchers meals - YUM! They are 6/$11 this week at Meijer so I stocked up the other night when I went and will get more Friday when I do the official shopping.

So plateau I say.......well i know what I need to do it's just actually doing it. Eat breakfast. When I eat breakfast I am less grouchy and I lose weight and sleep better. When I don't - I just don't. And truthfully it's not just eating breakfast but eating it within the frist 45 minutes of the morning after waking up that is the most important. That is when your body is setting your metabolism for the day. So to eat your breakfast in that window sets your body to burn more energy that day. And make you less likely to kill someone......Oh that's just me. Ok then never mind. ;)

Well it's time to set the DVR and then I think I am going to go curl up with my knitting or a good book (OMG Twilight is addicting but that's another day!) and try to get to bed early because I could use the sleep. Hugs~Jen

PS - New blog link to the left, it's my knitting blog which is more of my daily life stuff sometimes than is here. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thanks :)

Just a quick entry to say thanks for all the congrats and well wishes. I'm trying out different over the counter meds, currently on the generic of Claritin. I've taken this before and forgotten about how my nose gets so its not runny......because everything is draining down my throat so I cough more. But other than that it worked well. I'm having good days and bad. The other day was bad because I'd been outside when someone was mowing a lawn. I guess by now I've gotten used to this because I've had this kind of reaction ever since I was in elementary school. But we didn't quite figure out it was allergies until High school. At least now I know what to do for my kids who are having the same problems as me. :)

Now for walking........somehow my pedometer rest itself after I programmed it. UGH! Of course I have no clue where the instructions are but it's taking me a lot fewer steps to reach my goal. Then the other thing is that it keeps restarting the count on me. I don't know if it's because of my seatbelt when driving or just the placement of the reset button on it. I have another one that I need to put back together and get the new batteries into. That one has a cover so I won't have this problem. But I'd have to say that I have been getting at least 3 miles in a day plus the lunch lady work out (mopping, sweeping, lifting tables, walking around on the playground, etc.). So I am getting my exercise regularly. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008


My allergies are killing me this week. I am coughing up a lung as I attempt to type this. And when I'm not doing that I am competing for the world record of the most sneezes in 1 hour.

Wednesday weigh-in was 247.8 lbs. Woot back down a little. :) And now it's bed time before I really get that lung up. ~Hugs~Jen

Thursday, September 11, 2008


My stomach is still upset and of course I had a dr. appt today......but not that kind. :) My latest recheck and then I go back in December. Joy oh joy I love paying $50 a visit. Darn ins!

So anyways I got on here again to log my actual mileage from yesterday and today so far as well. I set my goal at 5 miles a day. Today I forgot about putting the pedometer on until I had to go to work. So my morning steps are missing. Not that there were very many this morning at all being that I slacked off because I felt crappy.

9/10 steps: 11,003   miles: 2.94
9/11 steps: 12,262   miles: 3.28

Well bedtime now for me because I have been super sleepy lately.....darn this whole waking up early to get the kids on the bus thing. ~Hugs~


Weighed in yesterday at 248.4 lbs. Heh that's a 0.2 lb gain for TOM week - I'm not thinking about it. But I also started walking the kids to the bus stop and home from it too. About a 1/4 a mile one way. I walked a little over 2 miles yesterday before my body rebelled and made me sick. Of course it would happen the night we had the lady coming over to finalize our refinance on the house. UGH! So there I was either in bed under MANY blankets to keep warm or dashing to the bathroom. I won't go into further details than that but man sometimes I hate when something makes me sick. However I am resisting the urge to jump on the scale and see if being sick made a difference in my weight. LOL

Now just to get enough motivation to attempt to eat breakfast and hope that my stomach doesn't rebel against me again. ~Hugs~

Friday, September 5, 2008


I think I told you guys that my position was eliminated at the school and I found out before school started. But the good thing is that I am now a full-time lunch lady (yeah I know how glamorous!) and ft is only 10 hrs a week. But that is a good chunk of change for me and will more than help me pay my way to my friends wedding - woot! But it is right in the middle of the day of course so I have been sweating my butt off. I think I drank twice my normal amount of water the past two days. Ugh my allergies are kicking in right now and I am having a sneezing fit. I really hate this. I love the weather but hate my reaction to this time of year.

So weight wise since this is a weight loss blog. :) I am holding at 248.2 lbs as of Wednesday weigh-in. Which isn't so bad considering TOM is soon. And exercise - well back to the lunch lady routine and I walked to the bus stop yesterday afternoon so that was a 1/4 a mile.

Well time to clean and then work and then shopping. Man my day is full. :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Got the kids on the bus and off to school this morning. Had an email yesterday saying that the reason I was hired last year at the school - the half mile club - would not be continuing this year. However they will still offer the kids the option to walk if there is enough supervision. Ok great I'm out a job I get to thinking. Then I continue to read the email and we will need extra lunch people because of our numbers increasing this year. And would I be interested in this. Yay of course - duh. I need to make money to pay for my flight and other stuff for my best friend's wedding (good movie too ;) ). So more days each week working is fine with me now to just figure everything else out. lol

After dropping the kids at the bus I came home and got to feeling crappy. Then I realized that I had basically been awake since 5:30 am (not by choice stinkin dog) and still had not eaten breakfast. Another duh! moment for me because I know better and had to make them eat but did I - nope. I was too busy trying to make sure their pencil boxes were ready to go because I was slacking on getting their stuff together.