Saturday, August 30, 2008

I fell off the face of the earth......

I'd say I've been busy but truthfully unless it was knitting I haven't been doing much of anything else lately. The kids are going back to school on Tuesday and I have fallen off the Herbalife wagon. Simply because I cannot afford to buy shake mix in addition to our weekly food intake at this time. The only upside is that for the past two weeks I have maintained at 248.0 lbs. I am holding at my 10% goal I've been watching what we eat and what I buy and that has helped. Also upping the amount of fiber in my diet has helped as well.

I went to get an accurate size on the bridesmaids dress for my friends wedding in November. I tried on - yes I am going to ACTUALLY tell you my size. ;) I tried on a size 20 & an 18 today. The flow of the dress made both fit - it was fitted in the boobs so I can wear a smaller size. hehe The 20 gapped under my armpits a little and the 18 fit awesomely. I am taking into consideration that the dresses they provide for you to try on are tried on by a lot of people which can lead to stretching. So I am planning to loose 15 lbs in the next 2 months. Then hopefully I won't need any alterations done if I order the size 18. Or maybe just some tucking in on the sides under the armpits. We shall see, we shall see. :)