Morning all. :) I have been so distracted with getting the kids back on schedule for school I have neglected this. That plus I seem to be coming down with a cold so I haven't been feeling to well the past few days. So when do I decide to get back to it - the day the kids have off school this week. lol It seems that the school district gave them a cirruclium (I know this is spelled wrong - too tired to look it up lol) day on Ash Wednesday. But who is going to remember this when they just had the week before off school.
My journey has slooooooooooowed down to a crawl. My hubby got off hs diet and so now there are cookies and ice cream in my house. BAD BAD BAD things!!!! I love ice cream and the only way to get me not to eat it is if he gets a kind that I won't eat because I don't like it. That's a challenge right there. Part of the reason why he isn't allowed to do the shopping anymore. lol
Gotta get back on track. Thanks to those of you who added comments to the last addition. That always helps me when I can hear from you. :)
I hope that you all have a great day and are doing better than me. Keep up the good work. :)
Hope your feeling better. I hear you about slowing down. Maybe its the time of year. I had been doing so good and am slumping right now. Time to get back on track. We can do this.
it must be going around, my son has two ear infections and bronchitis and i'm feeling stuffy and achy too. when he gets sick i' get sick also. i'm still doing good on the diet. it's gotten to the point i'm not even hungry and have to force myself to have the two shakes. but don't give up , you have done so great and have come so far. i know you can do this.
i know it's hard to not give in to ice cream and chocolate or cookies. but just picture yourself at your dream weight and your goal you are trying to achieve. and maybe that will help.
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