Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thank you all for your comments - it seems a majority of us are doing this for health reasons. This is always a good reason to lose weight - at any age!

fishead1028 asked "do you use" I do not but I did check out the site and signed up for a free membership. This program can also be bought for your computer and comes with more options that way for $29.99. It helps you track you food, weight loss, exercise, goals, and it also has a calendar, journal, food guidelines (pyramid) and reports on your progress. It looked similiar to the program the Curves uses - but I can't be sure if it is. but I am going to try it out for this month to see what it is like and then I'll review it here. It looks very interesting so lets see how it turns out.

Well right now I have the in their room cleaning. But it sounds as if they are making a bigger mess than was in there as they are mad at me for putting them in there. Do they ever grow out of this? Never mind - I don't want to know becasue I just hope they will not turn out like me......not a pretty picture. :)

Well here is my question for the day thanks to fishead1028: Do any of you use a special program to track your food intake and weight loss? No a special diet mind you but something that you use to write down what you ate and your inches and weight for the day - something like that be it on paper or on pc.


Anonymous said...

 I started on so that is where I journal my food even though I don't use the slim fast much anymore.  I like their program.


Anonymous said...

i actually made up my own notebook it's a white binder with dividers and i have a section with daily activities , then a section for daily food intake, and a calendar i print from aol and i have my weigh in dates on it .  and i also have a section for motivation and another for recipes and then the last section is tips and advice from other dieters.  and i also have a section for a jornual and i just write down all my thoughts and feeling.            

Anonymous said...

I downloaded fitday onto my computer and LOVE it. Ive been using it for years. Not religiously mind you! LOL but i have a track of how my body has changed over time - up and down. I like it storing my custom foods that I eat regularly in the program. its so simple to plug them in each day rather that having to type it all out everyday on the free online version. the online version I think is fantastic for people that work away from home though. They can log their food intake from the office.

It certainly keeps me honest. it lays it all out at a glance how you're eating each day. making sure you get the protien/fat/carb (and fiber) ratio you want. maybe tweak your levels so it balances out for you days end. I certainly am better at creating balanced meals for myself as a result of using it. it's just gotten to be habit.

I had a very unhealthy food night. I had a party here and I won't even tell you what all we consumed. no one was watching their weight this evening!