Well I am a little behind. But as you can see from above my weight has gone down again! Weighed in at 233.2 lb on Sunday. Well I am down 8.8 lb - WOOT! I have been quite busy getting my taxes ready to go to my preparer (my mom) so I can get then done asap.
I did something this time that I have never done with any other diet. I am keeping a food journal. I write down what I eat at each meal and for snack and keep track as best as possible of my caloric intake through the day. My first week shocked me. You would be suprised at how many calories there are in the foods you eat everyday.
Did you know that the serving size of Fig Newtons are only 2 and that those 2 have 110 calories. But te serving size of Oreos is 3 and they are 160 calories. So 1 Fig Newton is 55 calories and 1 Oreo is 53.3 calories. I have also discovered the 100 calorie snack packs. I find I like the Keebler Fudge Striped cookies - but they go so fast and look like little doll cookies. lol
I found myself in the situation of being approached by some Girl Scouts the other day. My down fall is Thin Mints and next is Samoas. Luckly I had just spent all the cash I had on me at the time on my kids toys (to be fair it was their money). But they asked me for some cookies and then the little girls asked me to buy some cookies. As I hear one of the mom's whispering "she's smiling ask her..." I reply "Well do you take credit cards?" Of course they don't and as a former girl scout I know this - but my girls learned I had no money for the cookies and so did the girl scouts - without my being mean. For surely if I had had cash I would be munching on some frozen Thin Mints right now!
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