Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Something to nibble on................

So the diet is going S L O W L Y this morning. I'm not totally sure if this on the diet but I like to have vanilla yogurt and granola for breakfast. I love the Dannon Light & Fit. I get to eat a cup of it and mix in the raspberry and cream granola that I bought at the local Better Health store. But I am eating an apple with it. One of the perks of working in the school cafeteria.....we have a cart that if a child does not want their fruit, pudding/applesauce cup, milk, juice, etc. they can put it on the cart. Other kids can then take the items if they will eat them with their lunch that way nothing is going to waste. At the end of lunch if there is anything left we take it home, give the milks to the PE teacher or pitch it in the trash.

So I boiled some eggs earlier because I can eat them - whites only on this diet. Of course I forgot them. LOL good thing about that is that the water boils off before you burn anything! HAHA There is a reason I only boil eggs in my cheap pan - :D. So I'll have some eggs and salad for lunch here in a little while and then head out for my walk. Better remember to stretch first otherwise I'm going to get leg cramps.

Well I'm getting back to cleaning. I have my exercise playlist on Winamp right now so it will keep me motivated. Otherwise I'll sit here and play games online or head back to finishing the baby blanket that I am knitting for a friend. It needs to get done but I need a living room more than that needs to be done today. Besides tomorrow I will be running around doing other things so I won't really be able to work on it then. I am teaching a friend from church how to bead jewelry in the afternoon, then I have practice for worship team and possibly meeting with friends from work for $1 beers later. I know - I won't be drinking more than 2 because of all the calories I'll have to work off. But it's nice to get out with people every now and then. I've had the hardest time making friends since we moved here and sadly I finally started about 2 years ago. We've only lived in the area for 7 years now and in this house for almost 5! >.< Ok really now I'm off to clean the living room. Later my J-land friends. ~Hugs~Jen


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