Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Got the kids on the bus and off to school this morning. Had an email yesterday saying that the reason I was hired last year at the school - the half mile club - would not be continuing this year. However they will still offer the kids the option to walk if there is enough supervision. Ok great I'm out a job I get to thinking. Then I continue to read the email and we will need extra lunch people because of our numbers increasing this year. And would I be interested in this. Yay of course - duh. I need to make money to pay for my flight and other stuff for my best friend's wedding (good movie too ;) ). So more days each week working is fine with me now to just figure everything else out. lol

After dropping the kids at the bus I came home and got to feeling crappy. Then I realized that I had basically been awake since 5:30 am (not by choice stinkin dog) and still had not eaten breakfast. Another duh! moment for me because I know better and had to make them eat but did I - nope. I was too busy trying to make sure their pencil boxes were ready to go because I was slacking on getting their stuff together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh the days of small children I remember those and miss them believe it or not at times hang in there honey it will get better ..