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Ok first things first -
Finally moved off 233 lbs today. Weighed in at 231.8 lbs. Third day back on the Herbalife wagon. I have been doing my meal replacements and drinking our Herbal Green Tea (or drink and shrink as we call it). And the weight is starting to come off again. You'd think I'd learn that when I know something works to continue to stick with it and use it. Nope of course not. But thats only part of my ugh.
My test results came back and I have to go in for further treatment in order to get it cleared up. The procedure does not sound fun nor does dealing with it afterwards. And then I still will have to come back in 2 -3 months to make sure it is all cleared up or end up with another treatment that is for the most severe form of this crap. If you'd like further details just email me and I'm willing to talk more about it. But I just don't quite feel like putting all the details on here for anyone to read.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying their winter season. We finally have some snow here in Michigan. Kids had two ice/snow days last week. The second one was really a power outage in the school but they didn't care either way. ~Hugs~Jen
Not much in the way of weight change other than I've been feeling like crap. You'd think I'd have learned not to kiss the sick kids. >.< Evidently not! lol So I'm fighting it off once again. Not to mention that I had a Dr appt. yesterday - one of the girl Dr ones - that is messing with me. It was a callback from my prior one. Those of you girls/women out there know that a callback from a typical appt. is not usually good news. Well had some testing done and find out the results end of next week if I remember right. Yippee!!
Ok but in other news I have been using the SparkPeople website everyday and I really like it. It gives me exercise ideas, food recipies, a food journal and a place to vent to myself about anything and everything. As well as a page that people can connect with you on and forums or communities that you can discuss anything. Like a Bookworm one - which of course I am a member of. :D I got the idea for books on tape to read/listen to while exercising using my mp3 player. And then found a bunch of older books online that were free to download and loaded up my mp3 player. I am currently rereading the Anne of Green Gables series.
My weight has stayed the same over the past week. Not gone up or down. I'm thinking its because I have been using the food journal and tracking what I have been eating. It calculates your daily caloric intake needs and tells you in carbs, calories, fats, protein and I added sodium to track. Which really helps me to know when I have overdone it in a day or that what I am eating really isn't as good for me as I thought it is.And you can add foods that you eat on their so the info comes right up when selecting a food item for your meals.
Hope everyone is well this week. Thanks for the comments from those of you who have been checking up on me and those of you who are new - welcome! :) ~Hugs~Jen
So this morning weighs at 233 lbs according to my scale (technically 233.4 lbs). After having a healthy bowl of mac and cheese for lunch with my girls I'm typing on here again. :) Not the best meal but I didn't feel like making a seperate one for me too today. Waiting on an Herbalife delivery to get back on the wagon. But that doesn't mean that I wasn't smart when I went shopping last friday. I bought fruit and yogurt for my breakfast, to alternate with the raisin bran that I bought the last time I went shopping. And I made sure to pick up the ingredients I'd need to make the shake bars that usually get me thru the day.
So I'll make some bars for tomorrow and get the ball rolling. I now have a reflective carrying case for my mp3 player if/when we do get out to run/jog/walk in the mornings. Always helps to concentrate on music for me when exercising. I guess it would be rude to do that if my hubby goes along with me in the morning too tho......>.> But it will come in handy when I decide to try to make it to 300 steps on my lateral thigh trainer by the end of this week. I'm talking 300 a day not per week. Eventually I'll work my way up to 1,000. Not all at one time tho - aghh that would kill me. But I think between the thigh trainer and doing the walking video and any other walking outside will get me to 1,000 steps a day quite quickly.
I've also found a site that I like using so far. Food journal, exercise tips, and message boards. All found on If any of you decide to check it out and join will you use my name as a referral - butterflychix5 please? :) It just gets me extra points which evidently aren't worth anything but still fun to see who has joined. :)
Hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve and are enjoying 2007 so far. I know I'm enjoying the 50+ degrees weather here in Michigan. :D ~Hugs~Jen