My mind just goes 'bleh?!?!?!?!' as I look at this ticker compared to the last time. I've gone up 1 lb. (I know for a fact it was more but >.> shhhhhhh don't tell!) or rather come back down almost to that last weigh in weight.
Back on the diet wagon with a purpose. I have become a worship leader in my oldest's Sunday school class. You may be asking - 'why would you need to be in shape for that?' Well its not your ordinary Sunday school class - worship leaders sing and dance and jump around and be crazy. So in order to do that and live....I, er mean breathe afterwards I need to lose some weight and get into better shape. There are other reasons related to a potential job offer but I'll get into that at another time. So we started to get up early and jog/walk the park where we live. My mornings look like this after as I get to have coffee........
Hehehehe I love Garfield! That one cracked me up for days so I kept it around. My downfall for the week - hubby buying and making 5 dozen cookies and pop to do something "special" - SABOTAGE!!!!!!!! But my highlight of the last week has been that the girls are back in school. All 3 ALL DAY LONG!!!!!! If you can't tell I'm doing a happy dance and have been since Wednesday. LOL All in all its been a good week and here is why.....
The PTO board had our first meeting on Thursday at which I was asked if I was still interested in working the Half mile club on Mon./Fri. during lunch. Of course I said yes as I still have no job prospects (havent heard back from the library about that position yet....). Plus there might be an opening as a lunchroom supervisor (read lunch lady hehe) at my kids school which would go well with the 1/2 mile club job. Just had to wait for the go-ahead from the principal and the school board. I'm half way there and if I'm okay'd I already have a subbing position - well potential in the lunchroom. <--- Me jumping for joy. hehehe Then I went for my training on Friday to be one of the worship leaders in my oldests class. Read - creative outlet that does not require storing extra things (ie. albums, paper, beads, etc.)! So thats my week in a nutshell.
Hope you all are well and having a great week. ~Hugs~Jen