Well I've been off for a while now and just doing my own thing. The amazing thing is that I have gone up a little and seem to have hit a plateau at 225.2 lbs. So with 3 months left in the year I have roughly 30 lbs to go to hit my goal. But I am getting back on track and working hard. It makes it easier that all my kids are in school this year so i have a few days to myself to actually work out alone on. :)
So my downfall has been carbs. I know this and still I eat them. Who can resist french fries??? At leastthey were baked at home and not something from a fast food place. Not that that makes it any better to eat them. lol Gotta tell myself something. :)
Well its breakfast bar time now otherwise I will forget to eat something all together again. THANKS to all of you who posted comments to me evn when I hadn't blogged anythign in like a month. Makes me feel better to know that there are people out there who are reading what I type and who are encouraging me to keep going. Means so much to me. :)
Hey Jen, Sorry to hear about you hitting a plateau, the best thing I can tell you is to change up your routine a little, if you are exercising it maybe time to intensify your routine, if you are not then working out is the BEST way to break that plateau. Good luck to you and I know that it looks daunting but you may still be able to hit your goal by the end of the year, just don't be so ready to throw in the towel, I have faith in you, give yourself a pat on the back for not only losing but catching yourself before you got out of control, sometimes we don't even see the signs of plateau until it's too late and we are already to give up. You will make it, don't worry. Eva.
And in that pic of you you look like you lost more than 16.8 pounds, you look great, keep it up. Eva.
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