Monday, July 17, 2006

Broke the cycle?

Good morning bloggers! Well at least it is early morning as I am writing this entry. ;P I think I have broke the cycle of going back over 230 lbs! This weekend we went to visit my brother. Needless to say my diet food went with me......................and then sat on the counter the whole weekend. I ate pizza twice - carbs are something I have been staying away from and it seems to be helping when I do. I have them in moderation - meaning not a lot of bread in one day or pasta for every dinner. Coming from an Italian family this has been hard. Coming from a line of people who always have a BIG spread at every holiday or any get together it has been really hard. I even managed to try a new vegetable this weekend - asparagus (I have no clue if that is spelled right). It wasn't bad - different but not bad. 

But somehow this weekend I managed to be good (alright I did have 4 slices the one night but it had lots of meat on it too). I drank lots of water and tried not to drink lots of pop. I even got in some exercise too. We went swimming at a friends and I made sure to do at least 10 laps in the pool. I stayed moving the whole time in the pool only floating for a few minutesto rest in between. And my reward this morning was to get on the scale and weigh in at.............229.8 lbs. I am thinking this is my new 231 lbs or place to be stuck when I fall off for a day or too. :) But I am back to the diet food this morning and we are off to a good start for the week. And I am even happy about the weight I am at right now.

Have a great day! ~Hugs~Jen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

 Sounds like your doing well, even small changes and being aware what your eating makes a differance.  The pool sounds great as it has been over 100 here all weekend.
