Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well this week the weight was 233.8 lbs. I have figured it out - I was drinking waaaaaaaaaaay too much pop. I went from not drinking any (maybe once every other moneth) to drinking at least on a day. Tends to not help you in the weight loss department. But at least I was only drinking the litle 8 oz. bottles - with the exception of a few days.

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. We went to visit my mom in Lansing and it was reaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllly hot there - no central air. :( But the kids had a blast in the small pool and running around in the yard. Or playing with her two little kittens - they are soooooooo cute and tiny. And of course I overate this past weekend - too much good food around.

Well back to the kids for the morning. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can do it!!!!! dont give up!!!!!!! Email me if you want!!!!!