Monday, August 24, 2015

Not to bad for my first 7 days......

My first week of 21 Day Fix is in the bag! Day one was by far......the worst day ever! Now don't get me wrong the Total Body Cardio was great. But my legs were jello! Not to mention we had a walking field trip later that day for work. *cries* And Friday we had another field trip - to the zoo! I walked over 16,000 steps, a little over 7 miles, and according to my fitbit had 104 active minutes!!!!

And what were my results to show for it? I'm down 3.4 lbs as of this morning and 2 inches over all. Like I said slow as a turtle but the results are coming through! I'll take it :D

Friday, August 21, 2015

Feel like a turtle......

So I'm not the fastest person working out to my video. I even sometimes modify the modifier (with things I know are lower impact options from previous experience)! But I'm still getting up early, working my tush off and doing it again the next day.

The benefit so far? I could barely move Monday I worked my hamstrings and glutes so much more than I had in forever. Sitting down hurt. Not actually sitting but the process of getting into or out of a chair. Steps, inclines, you name it, heck just walking on a flat surface was painful. So that benefit you say, yeah, sticking with it and continuing to work out each day has lessened the soreness in my legs (and ice/heat therapy). I don't feel like my legs are going to buckle if I move the wrong way. And that is muscle building at it's best.

I've also gone from working out 3 days a week to working out every day. Eating better, no more processed crap. And that's the basics in a nutshell, or well a turtle shell. It's a slow moving process when you first start but the results come through when you stick with it.

The best part - you know why it's called 21 Day Fix? Because that is how long it takes to make a habit, 21 days. And once it's a habit you keep doing it!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Change in eating and workout

In the past year I have managed to gain back the 10 lbs that I lost. I was still working out with Jazzercise, but due to a new work schedule I only could get through 30 minutes of class before I needed to leave. That's when I saw the weight come back and knew I needed to do something different.

Enter my cousin, Nettie. She has been rocking her Beachbody programs and looks awesome! I've participated in a few of her groups and looked at programs but it was never the right time. Until this month when my weight got back into the 260's. I put in my two weeks notice with Jazzercise (I was a class manager with them) and bought my first program 21 Day Fix challenge pack.

Monday 8/17 started my new journey to health for myself and my start as a Beachbody coach. I'm sore as all get out from using muscles that I hadn't been working properly. Struggling with the food program and eating ALL the food I need to, and it's a lot! But I have a wonderful support group with me to answer my questions and encourage me on. And that's what I need. I may not be working out with everyone but it feels like it in our group.