Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weigh in

252.something lbs. on Friday. I can't remember exactly what it was. I had a night out with the girls that night and couldn't be bothered (read drank more than I wanted to thanks to friends) to weigh myself on Saturday morning again. It was a fun night out of course and more details are on my main blog (link on the side). But highlights - cute waiter at dinner, a friend who kept putting her foot in her mouth - not literally, a live band and superman. ;)

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weigh in

A week ago weigh in was 252.0 lbs. - lost of fast food and eating out that week. Too much running around and not enough exercise and not to mention TOM and stress.

This past Friday (well Saturday really) weigh in was 249.6 lbs. And I got to a Jazzercise class - I went to a Lite one like I wanted to and it kicked my butt. And then I didn't have a chance to get back yet. This week the kids are off school so I can go anytime during the day that there is the clubhouse open and I think I am going to try to make it to the other Lite classes offered. Because even though it kicked my butt and I got lost a few times it was fun and I enjoyed it. The butt kicking was a good thing - really!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weigh in

Because I forgot (silly me!) I weighed in on 1/24 at 249.6 lbs. Or maybe it was 249.4 lbs - can't remember exactly for sure right now but it was one of those two! :)

On Friday (1/30) I weighed in at 249.0 lbs. YAY! Slowly going down but it's moving. I started working at Jazzercise but not yet working out there. I wanted to try the Lite class first but I missed getting out on time that day. The only time that calss is offered during the week I am working at my other job and can't make it there. :( So I can either try a regular class and most likely keel over afterwards or wait until next Saturday and try to get to the Lite class on time.