Thursday, July 24, 2008

Slowly going.....

Weighed in last night after dinner (past my normal weigh in time) and it was 249 lbs. I'd been 240.6 lbs that morning in my pjs. hehe Weighed in again this morning  at 246.0 lbs with normal clothes on. If I use the weigh in from this morning I am down 1.4 lbs to make it a total of 12.6 lbs lost. Or I can use last nights weight and be up 2 lbs.....

Either way not exactly where I wanted to be at when I got to my 10 year reunion time. That is in September but I am not going to mine because of a schedule conflict. However this weekend we are heading to Mike's 10 year reunion. Not by his choice either. hehe I would have graduated with him had my parents not split up then gotten back together and moved in 7th grade. So a lot of my friends from elementary school (and some I still see today) who are my best friends will be there. Plus others that I met after elementary school and became fast friends with. I am looking forward to this more than Mike is but he is willing to go if it will make me happy. Who knows maybe some of his friends will actually be there.....maybe. They aren't exactly the reunion type though.

The other exciting part of my weekend would be seeing my new niece for the first time. Well back to finishing her blanket or it will never be done in time! ~Hugs~Jen~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's always nice.....

When someone asks you if you have been losing weight and you can say yes. I have this one lady at church in my home town who every time we are visiting asks me this even if I have gained back weight and only lost a little. LOL But this past week it was the lady, Lori, at my new church who thought I was only 19 years old who asked me this time. She had gone on the trip to Chicago with or church group as well so she was there in my room the night I was talking to Angela about Herbalife. So she asked me this Sunday if I had lost weight adn I said yes 11 lbs. and she asked me what I was doing - Herbalfe. So then evidently she and Angela were supposed to get together and trade - Lori used to be a Mary Kay lady. So Angela was to Herbalife Lori and Lori would get to play with Angela's make-up. :) But it felt good to be able to answer yes and to not have it be something as small as "oh I've lost 2 lbs" like it seems to be when I am in Lansing and my friend Robin asks. Well I hav to get back to the blanket I am knitting if I want it to be done in time for this weekend when we get to see Madelyn. :) Thanks to all of you who offered congratulations. I'll post pics of her once I have some. Later Jland! ~Hugs~Jen~

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's a girl!!

I know -it's not mine - just my niece. My brother had his second kid this morning at 2:36 am. A girl which he didn't know what it was to be. Madelyn Kate was 8 lbs. 12 oz and 20 inches long and I can't wait to spoil her! We now have 7 girl grandchildren on my dad's side. My 3, Matt's 2 now, my stepbrother's 2 (plus they are having another any day now but don't know the sex and won't).

Off to practice. Later Jland! ~Hugs~Jen~

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Weigh In day

Weigh in day today. :) 247.4 lbs. That means I am down 2 lbs since last weigh in. Ok so not much seeing as that was 2 weeks ago but woot for me! Which means I am a quarter of the way to my goal for my friend Amy's wedding in November. Only 30 more lbs to go. :)

Off to spend time with the hubby. ~Hugs~Jen~

Monday, July 14, 2008


Well and ineresting week it has been. The hubby had the whoel week off which meant a lot of time spent online playing and me being forced to help him with my account. That I only have because he wanted us to play something together. lol So I skipped my exercise at the end of the week with the exception of praise practice - yes this is exerise because we have dance oves to get the kids moving too. :) But my weight lss coach Angela sent me a text Thursday afternoon before practice asking me if I'd be there. She would because over the summer her section joins ours. So I get there and she hands me an envelope that has the big pot in it from the challenge. She'd talked to her upline and bcause I gained but lost it all again and would have been there on Wednesday if we had met I got the big pot. Wahoo!!!! I already spent some of it because I had reached my 10% goal and wanted to celebrate that so I bought yarn and needles (yes I knit). Then I put the other half of it away to go towards my bridesmaids dress for my friend Amy's wedding in November. So I'm setting aside money for that, my shoes and travel expenses because I'll be gone roughly 3 days total - all that I'm allowed by the hubby. lol

With the challenge being over does this mean I am quitting - NOPE. I want to be down 2 dress sizes for the wedding. That's 20 lbs per dress size accourding to the ladies at David's Bridal and 40 lbs total to lose. A good goal and hey it's actually my half-way weight loss wise. Besides the dresses I tried on would look much better on my in a smaller size. hehe Plus maybe I'll need less alterations.....HAHAHAHA can you lose you hips????? I used to have this really great hourglass figure....well I still have it but it's not as great any more. My hips are bigger than my boobs and the boobs are bigger than my waist so I have to go with the biggest size in dresses to fit over my hip and then major alterations to get the rest to fit. Luckily the one she wants me to wear isone of those empire waist ones - mor fitted at the boobs and then loose the rest of the way down. Now to actually find a strapless bra that fits.....the one I wore in the dress to the side for my brother's wedding - so not the right size which is why there are the plastic straps in the pic. lol

Off to do the shopping we haveno food in the house and the kids are hungry. I keep asking why I have to feed them and they tell me cuz I'm supposed to. Ok fine. lol Later Jland. ~Hugs~Jen~

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well weigh-in did not happen last night because the challenge was rescheduled for next week. Hmmm more time to lose 2 lbs to be down more - yay! :) But then I managed to not get on my sale at all yesterday evening to see where I really was. Then I ate a really fattening dinner - because it was my oldest daughter's request for FINALLY getting over her fear of her bike. We got her riding in te field yesterday. Not that she was really making it all really but she was on it and not crying that is the BIG improvement on her part. But I had to bribe her with her choice of dinner and dessert to get her to do it. So cheesy enchiladas and ice cream was her choice. It was good but I should have only had one and not the two I did eat. Weight this morning was 249.8 lbs. Up about 0.4 lbs. from the last weigh in weight. But I'm ok with that because it could have been all 4 lbs plus that 0.4. LOL

I'm doing better and getting on my Wii and making it to the 30 minute mark in aerobic activities. Still haven't quite figured out how to do some of the strength training on there. I am pathetic when it comes to upper arm strength I have learned. I couldn't even do one push-up. Time to break out the dumbbells and start using them. Lunch time! Later Jland. ~Hugs~Jen~

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So 4th of July was spent out of town celebrating by Nana's 90th b-day (which was in March). We of course confused her when we set the cake in front of her and she asked what day it was......hehe She's a good sport. :) So we got together and had LOTS of really good food. Lasagna, spaghetti salad, cheesy broccoli & rice, hamburgers, fluff salad, banana bread, rotisserie chicken, eggplant parmesan.......did I mention that we are Italian? Anyway there was more than that but it's all I can remember and well........I at two plates of food and two helpings of the cheesy broccoli & rice cuz I love it and my mom made it. :) And then the next day I weighed and had gained about 4 lbs back - EEEK! It's all gone now but weigh in is tomorrow and I am only a little bit down from where I was. Frustrated with myself to say the least but it was good food and I enjoyed it. Even if this was the first time in a long time that I ate so much that my tummy actually hurt. And I wasn't the only one. On the car ride home that was all we heard from the kids. LOL Well the hubby is on vacation this week so I'm off to play video games and then knit night later. Later Jland! ~Hugs~Jen~

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm alive......

Good morning Jland! Sorry in a slightly silly and loopy mood this morning. :-D Weight Loss Challenge last week was postponed due to our coach being sick. But since we weigh in on my scale I weighed in just the same. I was down 0.8 lbs to 250.8 lbs from the week before. Not too bad seeing as how the last time TOM was here I went up about 2 lbs. We weighed in yesterday at out second to last meeting - 249.4 lbs. I'm out of the 250's WOOT! Not only that but I have also lost 10% of my goal weight loss and have lost 9.2 lbs total now since starting back on Herbalife.

For the challenge our coach totaled up our weight loss so far - I'm at 3.6 lbs lost during this challenge and my competition is at 3.4 lbs lost. What a way to head into a holiday weekend. Which ever one of us either continues to lose, maintains our loss, or gains less than the other gets the big pot of money. My dh said to me "so I get my steak dinner for father's day with that right?" I said nope sorry it's going into the dress/travel fund for my friend Amy's wedding in November. I am maid of honor as one of her oldest friends still around. Plus kinda gave her the advice to go for it with the guy she is marring and he asked me on how to propose to her. :)

Yesterday was also good because my Dr.'s office called me with the last results. I was told "it's not as severe as previously seen." So what's that mean - no colposcopy that my Dr. had talked about doing if it came back abnormal because it's finally not as bad and I go back again in 3 months. I know I know that was the last of my required 3 rechecks after the surgery. But we want to make sure it continues to be "not as severe" and not get bad again. So another appointment in September it is for me then.

Well off to eat breakfast and get some Wii Fit time in before lunch time. Later Jland friends. ~Hugs~Jen~