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So my body can't seem to make up it's mind lately. My TOM is erratic lately. A month ago it was a week late - no worries about it being for any reason other than stress. That problem was fixed a few years ago.....after I convinced him a weekend was all the recovery time it would take vs. him taking a week or two off to care for me and the kids. :) Anyways off track. So a month ago it was a week late. This time it's two freaking weeks EARLY!!!!! So setting up an appt with my Dr to get something worked out. Maybe that will help with my mood swings too.....
So as I decided for grins and giggles to get on my scale this morning to see how much I had again gone up, I got a surprise. I had gone DOWN. YAY!!!!!!!! Its only a little bit but being below 225 lbs. is one step closer to being below 200 lbs. So this mornings weight was 223.5 lbs. Which of course will go up tomorrow because my sis-in-law came over today with sugar cookies for the kids to frost. And of course left half of what she brought for them to eat. Yeah right like they will last that long around me. Sugar cookies are my weakness. My Aunt makes KILLER ones at Christmas time that I always eat a ton of. She even made me my own batch one year when I was pregnant.....starting to see why I gained so much weight now. LOL
Well I hope everyone had a great weekend and thanks for hanging in there with me. Being depressed doesn't encourage much blogging/journaling but I'm getting better nad getting out of that slump so look forward to hearing from me a once again soon. ~Hugs~Jenni
Its been a weird month. Off the wagon and up 3 lbs! >.< Oh no! Kids back in school and I'm fundraising chair for PTO. Of course we kicked off the big event THIS weekend. So I have been busy getting everything ready and not thinking about what I am eating - hence the 3 extra lbs. that have come back to me. Not to mention that I volunteered to help out in another area to get things started until someone else can take over. Hello, Sucker party of one.....
So the kids school rules my life these days. And if you can't tell this blog/journal entry won't really be much about weight today. I need to vent a little....THANKS for listening/reading and putting up with me today. :) I spend so much time there that the librarian (sp?), who I had little interaction with last year, knows me on site and knows my name too! LOL I've eaten lunch with my kids at least 3 times in the last three weeks at the school. I live there during the school year.
Ok enough about the kids. Time to shamelessly plug a friend of mine. His name is Jeremy Dundas, a musician from New Zealand. He is currently in London working on recording an album. Or rather working on getting money to record an album. He is an acoustic artist. I highly recommed him to anyone. Just take a listen to his songs and tell me what you think. And yes I am quite partial to him. :)
Hope you are all well and having a great weekend. We are enjoying the lovely fall weather here in Michigan as we watch the leaves change color. ~Hugs~Jen